Tuesday 25 January 2011

New plot

After we filmed our opening, we started to edit it and we realised our clips didn't fit together well. We'd used too many shots and angles which made it hard to make the continuity right. As we were filming, the sun also went down affecting the continuity. So we decided to film again. We decided to make it a bit simpler and use less shots
New Plot:
Lola Gray is a 22 year old woman from London, England. She had a very troubled childhood; her mother abandoned her after she was born and for as long as she can remember her father has been kidnapping and abusing young women. He would keep them in an abandoned building, Lola would hear the screams.
After years of neglect and mistreatment, Lola turned to drugs to deal with the pain, this lead to severe schizophrenia. She thinks she was kidnapped and tortured.
The film is about Lola Gray's battle with her mind and reality. The audience see's a traumatic journey from the victim's perspective

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